October 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting

October 21, 2023

Attendees: Jared, Alison, Melanie C, Robert, Travis, Michelle, Hannah, Kathy C, Steve, Tom, Brian S, Coop, Dan, David, Jim and Lindsay

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.

Traditions read by – Hannah

Introductions – n/a

Minutes from the last meeting – not read

Motion to accept minutes as presented – Michelle

Motion Seconded – Travis

Motion carries

TAC Chair Report – Jared

  1. Attended the Service workshop, which went really well and had good representation.
  2. Fall Assembly went well also. Someone there who has direct contact with the director of the VRC’s at the prisons, may be reaching out to Robert or Michelle.
  3. Circulated flyers and had a lot of questions.

Treasurer’s Report – Christine

  1. See below
  2. Question about the separate line item for pink can under the Reserve Funds section, which was answered.

Motion to accept Sept and October reports – Michelle

Seconded – Coop

Motion carries

Literature Report – Alison

  1. All Q3 books received are stamped.We still have quite a few Q1 & Q2 books sitting in the storage along with the order for Q3. Recommends holding off on placing a Q4 order until the next meeting.
  2. Question if folks taking meetings into jails/prisons can come to the storage and pick up books? It would be best to coordinate with the committee chairs over corrections and hospital/treatment facilities.
  3. Reminder about the clip board with current inventory – Please, please, please make a note on the inventory sheet when books are picked up.
  4. Question about books specifically for going through the 12 steps in jail? TAC does not supply these types of books.(Kimmie’s input when transcribing the minutes. This could be controversial with the fellowship if we start adding to the list of what the committee supplies. Is it a prudent use of the money we have and such things like that). A run down of the books we do supply was provided.

Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (men)/Michelle B (Women)

  1. As always, we need more volunteers. Another training session is coming up again. Maybe piggyback off the Hospital and Treatment Center volunteer meeting (12/9/23 at 11 a.m. at the Boise Alano Club) and discuss it more there.
  2. Provided rundown of the meetings that are currently going on in the women’s prisons.
  3. Melanie C, who is taking women’s meetings into the Murphy jails, was able to do the PREA training online. Canyon County has limited space and over 700 inmates and was not open at this time to having meetings coming in. All inmates have iPads and will check on the possibility of having AA resources available and accessible on the iPads. Jared indicated he would be interested in starting a men’s meeting at the Murphy jail. Brian (BTG) – suggested having bridge the gap applications available; Melanie and Brian will connect and discuss.
  4. Ada County jail is still closed.

Hospital/Treatment Report – Travis

  1. Intermountain is interested in an NA contact, Travis is researching.
  2. Allumbaugh – on Sunday’s not always having 2 people show up, which is required and making sure volunteers stick to the 1st step.
  3. Moonlight Mountain Ranch (Boise location) – good rotation in place. A couple of the other locations have merged. Travis will be sitting down with them to get things going there.
  4. Creekside (Hospice & Rehab facility) – still working on getting a rotation set up there.
  5. Good Samaritan – recent volunteers have been added to help with rotation of who takes meetings in.
  6. Lifeways – great feedback and good rotation scheduled set up
  7. St Alphonsus – waiting to hear back
  8. Northpoint – could be another opportunity
  9. Reminder of the Volunteer meeting – 12/9 at 11 AM at the Boise Alano Club, where we will develop a contact list and a volunteer calendar.
  10. Question about a flyer for volunteering. People can give interested folks Travis’s number. Reminder about dev.nampahosting.com where more information can be found. TAC phone number is 208-906-2745. Will make an effort to get more flyers out there in circulation.

Bridge the Gap Report – Brian S.

  1. Received an email from Smartline about them changing (?? I didn’t catch all of that).
  2. No longer have BTG applications readily available to the inmates. (did I capture that correctly?).
  3. Question about folks who can’t get to meetings, like at Creekside, if we could merge this accessibilities piece with BTG? Discussion ensued.
  4. Brian’s contact information is in his phone. Would be a good idea to have it down on paper for the next person who takes over.

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

  1. Intergroup Treasury balance – $434.17
  2. Elections were held and all positions filled for the next rotation, including me as the Treasurer, pending my TAC commitments.
  3. Entertainment – the current chair is struggling to carry out planned activities due to no volunteer help. Multiple attempts have been made to solicit ideas and help but to no avail. Founder’s Day picnic made $2.13 profit.
  4. A Bylaws committee will be formed to once again review the bylaws, next year.

Accessibilities Report – open position

  1. No report

Event Coordinator

  1. No report

Webmaster Report – David

  1. Let David know if any updates or changes are needed on the website

CPC/PI Report – Collette

  1. I attended the business meeting on Tuesday 10/17/23.
  2. Linda M’s husband is ill and she has been his caregiver for the last few months. She has requested help with some of the activities she has been unable to do. The committee needs more volunteers to help with requests for presentations from the professional community, and public information requests.
  3. Please announce at your groups that there is a need for service at CPC/PI. There is a bit of a slow down with the book nook. There was a lot of enthusiasm at the start. We will be texting those who signed the list to fill the book nooks with big books.
  4. There is a law conference at the University of College of Law in Boise next week. We have been asked to attend and provide information to this professional community. We will be attending and providing a tabletop presentation.
  5. There have been a couple of other requests for presentations, however the commiƩee needs more volunteers to help fulfill those requests.

Grapevine Rep – Jamie S

  1. No report


  1. Nothing at this time

Old Business

  1. Archives might be moving and TAC could potentially use this space for literature storage or maybe share with Archives. Update: Archives will not be moving.

New Business

  1. 2024 Business Card idea – for potentially for contact information for the BTG, corrections and Treatment folks. Maybe on the flip side have the training opportunities and the tvtac.com website listed. Michelle motioned to make a 2024 business card with contact and PREA training information. Tom seconded. Discussion ensued. David suggested tabling until the incoming committee is in place.
  2. Signature page on bylaws was removed. Kimmie will email out with meeting minutes.
  3. Application with an interest check box so the right people are contacted, like a half page sheet, which will be a paper version of what is available online on the TAC website. Motion to create a paper application that will be available at meetings and the group TAC rep can collect. Seconded – David (??) motion carries
  4. Nominations for next rotation read nomination guidelines from the bylaws. Committee position requirements read for each position.
    1. Chair nomination – Michelle nominated Travis; Coop seconded. Travis accepted the nomination.
    2. Secretary nomination – Travis nominated Karen Fitch (will reach out as she was not in attendance)
    3. Treasurer – Travis has a nomination he will reach out to. Also, Vivian (Live & Let Live) is also interested. Michelle suggested the Nominee should be open to electronic donation options.
    4. Literature – Vivian is also possibly interested in this (not in attendance)
    5. Grapevine Coordinator is nominated by the literature chair so that is to be determined.
    6. Accessibility Chair – no nominations
    7. Corrections – Kathy C nominated Michelle & Travis seconded, Michelle accepted the nomination. Michelle nominated Melanie C as her Co-Chair and Travis seconded. Melanie accepted the nomination. Male co-chair needed (I missed if there was someone nominated, maybe Coop???)
    8. Treatment Center Chair – Travis nominated Hannah, (I missed who seconded this, if anyone did) which she accepted.
    9. Bridging the Gap – Michelle nominated Kathy C, Lindsay seconded. Kathy accepted
    10. Event Coordinator, Facility Liaisons, Facility Meeting Coordinator, District & Home Group TAC representatives (which should be handled at the group or district level instead of the TAC level), CPC/PI – these can be appointed later as they are positions appointed by the chair. NOTE: Intergroup rep is not listed in the bylaws.
    11. Webmaster – Michelle nominated David & Jared seconded. David accepted the nomination.

Motion to adjourn – Coop

Second – no idea who seconded

Meeting adjourned at 11:45

NEXT MEETING November 18, 2023 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

Zoom Password 605450 (not required)

10.2023 TAC Treasurer Report.pdf

09.2023 TAC Treasurer Report.pdf

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