Treasure Valley
Treatment Accessibilities Corrections
Serving Districts
3,4,5,8 and 9 of Area 18
Jan. 2025 Business Meeting
TAC Business Meeting Agenda
Attendees: Travis, Ali, Carissa, Michelle B, Kimmie, Hannah P, Tom, Michelle, Jared, Lori, Vivian, David, Peter, Hannah, David, Laura, Dennis
Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer. Added moment of Silence for our friend Robert Berbera!!
Traditions read by : Kimmie
Introductions –
Minutes from the last meeting –
Motion to accept minutes as presented ? Kimmie made a motion.
Motion Seconded ? Tom
Motion carries ? Yes
Treasurer’s Report- See attached.
Motion to accept- Kimmie
2nd– Lori
Motion passed
Old Business
- Are We Still are short books… What can we do about this in the future? Central office has a list of approved names. ?? The mystery closet is getting figured out- ALL is good.
- Stamp update? Got a stamp- will bring it next meeting. Will see if we want a smaller stamp.
- Plain Language Big Book.- ordered, have a couple left- ordering more- women’s prison is responding very well , very engaged with reading. Discussion about maybe taking a few to treatment centers.
- Status check on reaching out to district reps/ DCMs about attending the TAC business meeting.
- Stickers, BTG etc. Still finding out about facilities being willing to allow them.
New Business
- Keys for the closet – chair peeps – Michelle, Robert, Lori, Travis, Hannah, Carissa
- 2025 Budget review Via Vivian
- Venmo info via report. (We need a # aka burner phone or email functionality) Michelle has a phone, we will get a mint mobile sim.
- 1st Q Book order via Lori (Inventory update) Michelle made a motion to accept. Ali 2nd. Motion passed. Below is our order for 1st Q.
B-12 Daily Reflections 30
B-15 12×12 100
B-18 ABSI 40
B-35 BB Pocket Size 10
B-90 Plain Language BB 110
This should be 2529.20 dollars.
- Next workshop for Q1 agenda and focus – Will talk to TVICO about attending. Sat. March 8th. 11am
- As a group what is our focus coming out of 24’ and what is our message for 25?
- Our goal as a committee is to leave the incoming crew in 26’ in a better place!
- What activities do we want to be present at? Assemblies, Gem State Round up, District meetings, workshops.
- 2025 TAC Picnic
- TAC needs an Events Coordinator!!!
Committee Reports: See attached or below
Sales from the TVICO Open House – $1894.48. There was good participation and people seemed to enjoy themselves.
Store Inventory completed in 1/5/25. They wrote off $1182.13 (GSO) which can be contributed to merchandise that walked out the door without being paid for, which is disturbing. $86.52 in non-GSO write off which was an overage for inventory received but not logged.
The hotline – Ken Harris has stepped up to manage the schedule and the 12 step call lists. He has done a fantastic job and has a full calendar put together and provided the 12-step lists and calendar to all who have an after hours slot.
For real this time – the InterGroup Entertainment Chair has stepped down, due to health issues so this position is open.
As always, IG could really used group representation at the monthly business meetings which are held on the 2nd Thursday of each month:
Potluck @ 5pm – Meeting @ 6pm In Person Location (bring your favorite Potluck item): The Clubhouse @ 8448 Rifleman St., Boise, ID
Zoom ID: 841 8862 6550
Passcode: Intergroup
Thank you for allowing me to be of service.
Kimmie Purney
Motion to adjourn Jared
Second Ali
Meeting adjourned at 11:35
NEXT MEETING (02/15/2025) at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.
Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858