January 2024 Business Meeting Minute

TAC Business Meeting


Attendees: Jared, Travis, Carissa, Kimmie, Michelle, Natalie, Hannah, Dayna S. , Dave, Christine, Kathy, Drew, Brian, Melanie, William, Steve, Todd, Sam, Tom, David, Ben, James, Coop, Jason, Dan, Spencer

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.

Traditions read by – Kimmie

Introductions – Lots of new people! WELCOME!!!

Minutes from the last meeting – not read

Motion to accept minutes as presented- Tom motioned to accept the minutes as written.

Motion Seconded – by Coop

Motion carries

TAC Chair Report – Travis

Treasurer’s Report – Christine

  1. See below

Motion to accept- Michelle to approve December

Seconded – Tom

Motion carries

Motion to accept- Kimmie to approve January

Seconded- Jared

Motion Carries

Literature Report – Alison

  1. Michelle will email brief report- position is available

Corrections/Jails Report – Michelle B Chair, Melanie Co-Chair


  1. As always, we need more volunteers. Please send any interested people to tvtac.com and have them
  2. complete the corrections form so we can contact them please!
  3. 2024 CORRECTIONS PLANNING: Taking place after the TAC meeting (Michelle, Melanie, Spencer)
  4. – Discussing Juvenile Facilities and other
  5. – Discuss group way of working the steps at correction facilities
  6. – Guest speakers for corrections
  7. – How to get more volunteers
  9. – Robert gone until March
  10. – MEN: CAPP (Mountain View) Saturday 9 a.m.- Robert weekly meeting + 1 volunteer
  11. – MEN: ISCI Thursday- Robert, Sunday- Roland (gave 1 case daily reflections to The Yard)
  12. – WOMEN: PRC 1 st & 3 rd Monday 6:30 p.m. – 6 volunteers (1 green, 5 in works, 2 pending)
  13. – New Potentials: North Dorm (higher security) with PRC group
  14. – Working on getting “fast tracked” to green
  16. – Trainings have been irregular- next one is May tentatively
  17. – We are going to try to meet with them to see if can get on quarterly system again or ride off IDOC
  18. – Volunteer Coordinator position open- if interested, we can send information
  19. – Women’s meetings: Every Wednesday and Thursday 8:30pm
  20. – Men’s meetings: Every Wednesday 8:30
  22. – Women’s Meeting (Melanie): Monday weekly- going really well, inmates would like to start the steps.
  23. – Jail requested additional meetings, starting with Men’s meeting
  24. – Option to be Zoom meeting
  25. – Asked if we know anyone who could bring in anger management and other types of meetings
  26. – Not as stringent as Ada/IDOC- did not require training but did do a personal interview with the Chief and
  27. background check.
  29. – Still not allowing AA meetings in due to short staff but have cases of big books and 12&12 onsite.
  30. – Mentioned in previous meeting- parents asking for books. They are available at the jail.
  32. – Working with past volunteers to get things going here.
  33. – Currently- 1 male volunteer who takes people to a meeting. 1 female in the works.
  34. TRAININGS (David updating on TVTAC- these were recently announced)
  35. – IDOC Training: No more sign up- just get there early as they shut doors when at capacity
  36. o No Jan 20 th – changed to Jan 27
  37. o Jan 27 (Sat) 5-9pm IDOC CO (1301 N Orchard St Boise
  38. o April 18 (Thurs) 5-9pm IDOC CO (1301 N Orchard St Boise
  39. o June 14 (Fri) 5-9pm IDOC CO (1301 N Orchard St Boise
  40. o Aug 28 (Wed) 5-9pm NAMPA: TBD Location
  41. o Oct 8 (Tues) 5-9pm IDOC CO (1301 N Orchard St Boise
  42. o Dec 6 (Fri) 5-9pm IDOC CO (1301 N Orchard St Boise
  43. – Ada County trainings: Mid May

Hospital/Treatment Report – Hannah

Bridge the Gap Report – Kathy, Brian

  1. Motion to set up a phone that’s transferable from person to person- David

Second- Drew

Discussion ensued. Clarification of the motion and what was voted on.

New motion- motion to table this phone discussion until next month when we have more information- Melanie

Second- Tom


  1. Kathy and Brian will work together to gather info and options for the phone line/ service to present at the next meeting. The phone # needs to ported.

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

  1. No Report

Accessibilities Report – Jared

  1. Gathering resources and materials- working on making connections

Event Coordinator- Position OPEN

  1. No report

Make a motion to reserve pavilion at Veterans’ Park for upcoming picnic June 1st– Kimmie

Second- Christine

Mations carries

Jared will make the reservation.

Webmaster Report – David

CPC/PI Report – Collette

  1. No Report

Grapevine Rep – OPEN Position

  1. No report


  1. Nothing at this time

Old Business

  1. 2024 Business card idea- discussion ensued.

Motion to table until next month. Motion passed

  1. Volunteer interest form- paper/ online-
  2. Motion to table until next month- passed

New Business

  1. 4th quarter book order done
  2. Bridging The Gap phone discussed
  3. Treatment center volunteers while in drug court- there are volunteers going in that are in drug court. As long as they are sober and working with a sponsor it’s ok.
  4. David renewed our domain with Michelles credit card- reimbursement approved for $36.99.

Motion to adjourn- Tom

Second – Kimmie

Meeting adjourned at 11:37

NEXT MEETING 2-17-24 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

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