February 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting

February 18, 2023

Attendees: Kimmie, Jared, Coop, Dave H, Collette, Robert M, Alison, Christine, Michelle, David and Travis

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.

Traditions read by – Collette

Introductions –

Minutes from the last meeting (not read) – Kimmie

Motion to accept minutes – Christine

Motion Seconded – Collette

Motion passed

TAC Chair Report – Jared

  1. In the past, it has been a home group, the TAC committee or a specific group of people who have organized and planned the picnic. TAC We do have the park secured.
  2. Discussion ensued about the price of the tickets. Christine volunteered to be the treasurer for whatever group decides to plan it.
  3. Will continue to announce the need for a planning committee.

Treasurer’s Report – Christine

  1. See complete report listed below
  2. Pink can discussion ensued.
  • Motion to accept – Travis; Seconded – Coop; Motion passed

Literature Report – Alison

  1. All current literature in stock is stamped and ready form disbursement
  2. Received a GSO announcement about a price increase effective 4/3/2023 – 20% increase on books and 30% increase on magazines
  3. $4900 max available for 1st quarter.
  4. Discussion ensued regarding order needs
  5. Motion to Wait one more meeting to get more solid needs identified; Christine second; Travis; motion passed
    1. After the business meeting, in light of the price increase, this motion was withdrawn. It was decided, via email responses, to place the following order:
      1. Daily reflections (B-12): 80 copies = $771.20
      2. BB portable (B-30): 40 copies = $342.00
      3. Large Print Big Book (B16): 20 copies = $178.60 (voted to remove this from the order)
      4. 12X12 (B-15): 40 copies = $310.00
      5. As Bill Sees It (B-18): 100 copies = $757.00
      6. Came to Believe (B-6): 80 copies = $225.00
      7. Grape vine past issues: 90 copies = $376.00

TOTAL (approximate without additional discount) = $2,781.20 (adjusted with the Lg print order removed)

Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (interim chair)/Michelle (Women’s Corrections Chair)

  1. Robert sent all the forms to Michelle. Training on 2/9/23 and waiting to hear of next training session available. Things are coming together. Still cannot get into Canyon County at this point

Hospital/Treatment Report – Travis

  1. Intermountain has allowed a 3rd person to be added to take meetings in, which is great!
  2. Question – Can Canyon County facilities get out to go to meetings? Yes, they can but they also can have meetings come in.
  3. Rehab/Hospice facility in Meridian – a resident reached out requesting meetings. We have people available to take meetings. Can we take meetings in?
  4. Motion to take meetings in – Collette; seconded – Christine; Motion carried
  5. March 11 at noon – there will be a volunteer meeting at the Boise Alano Club

Bridge the Gap Report – Brian S.

  1. No report

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

  1. Was not able to attend the business meeting therefore, I have nothing new to report.

Accessibilities Report – open position

  1. Please announce at meetings in hopes of filling this position. Who should they contact? Kimmie will pull info from the guidelines and send to Ellie for an article in the Slippery When Wet newsletter.

Picnic Report

  1. BACYPAA has expressed interest in helping with planning. Christine suggested organizing a planning meeting and get an announcement posted on the website about it. Collette will create a flyer to hand out at groups, about the planning committee. Michelle volunteered to head up organizing; just needs help with wrangling volunteers. Discussion ensued.
  2. An event coordinator has been added as a position, in our guidelines, which once filled, will resolve a lot of the issues surrounding the planning of this each year.
  3. Planning committee meeting will be held on – March 11- 10:30-12:00 at the Boise Alano Club.

Webmaster Report – David (short term help)

  1. www.dev.nampahosting.com (this is now live)
  2. Get all the committee name, emails and phone numbers to David
  3. Preview shared; discussion ensued
  4. Notes from Regina via Alison, re the old TAC website:
  • Old/current website hosted for free (by Dean), historically TAC made an annual donation of $50. Don’t think that has happened for awhile.
  • Regina supports work on new website and want’s to make sure we let Dean know that we’re moving forward with new site.
  • Regina will give him that donation personally, any concerns from TAC? Agreed with Regina going ahead with thanking Dean for his service and okay to make a personal donation.

Regina – Domain registration

  • Suggests keeping domain name up and operating and do automatic forward for a year so there’s a smooth transition
  • When new site is up Regina can automatically forward all traffic for a year
  • Note that current domain has a smart line attached (the hotline); Regina renewed in January, hotline will need to be moved by January 2024
  1. Christine motioned we just let the old site lapse; Travis seconded; motion passed

CPC/PI Report – Colette

  1. Will take website info to next business meeting

Grapevine Rep – Jamie S

  1. No report


  1. Gem State RoundUp and Spring Assembly

Old Business

  1. Adhoc Bylaws – tabled to next meeting

New Business

  1. Nothing new to discuss

Motion to adjourn – Coop

Second – Travis

Meeting adjourned at 11:35

NEXT MEETING March 18, 2022 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

Zoom Password 605450

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