August 2024 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting Agenda


Welcome and open meeting at 10:10am

Traditions: Kathy

Attendees: Travis, Carissa, Lori, Kimmie, Michelle, Kathy, David, Coop, Vivian, Dayna, Phil, Tori, Steve,

Previous Meeting Minutes: Dayna makes motion to accept minutes. Kimmie 2nd

Motion passed.

Treasurer’s Report: See Attached, ending July Treasurer report- Discussion ensued about liability insurance-

 Add to Sub Committee Meeting Agenda for Sept.

Find out if volunteers are covered by facility liability insurance?

Dayna makes a motion to set up a sub committee to further research our liabilities are. Lori 2nd. Motion passed.

Sub Committee- Kathy, Dayna, Steve, Vivian

Motion to accept treasures report- Dayna, 2nd David

Old business:

  • BTG info? Sticker or business cards with BTG info? Lots of discussion- Dayna, Hannah, Kathy will talk more (Proposal Vote?) Nothing further with this- is in new business.
  • Walker center in Gooding – needs support – Contact Hannah.
  • ISCC needs new BTG forms and info.
  • Pathways Crisis Center books? – Travis working on this? Carissa?
    • Carissa will go talk to them on Monday- Parent company is for profit- will look into it more and report back.
  • Hannah discussing Intermountain issue with Kathy – TABLED FOR NEXT MONTH
  • What can we use or help TVICO/Central office with?
    • They are short on funds
  • Lori has info for TVICO and how we can help with our order. DONE
  • Volunteer training for treatment and corrections –
  • Saturday Aug 3rd workshop was 28 people attended. Good questions and discussion
  • What is our message? Are we promoting at meetings? On site?
    • How to keep meeting on point? How to properly deal with staff?
      • Panel mention and Thoughts?
    • Eric went over some suggestions for treatment center meetings- will discuss further.
  • Do we want to discuss passing on funds to other committee/TVICO, Baccypa etc? after the order and new treasurer report? Discussion ensued- TABLED TO NEXT MONTH
  • Accessibilities- helping people get to meetings. Jared and Jennifer will get together to discuss further. There is a survey for some of these things. Do We have an Update??
  • Kathy mentioned the liability in our being a non-profit.

New Business:

  • Possibility of doing stickers for treatment facilities?
    • This will allow us to avoid issue with pens etc?
  • BTG info
  • QR Code – Via drew report or note
  • Next Workshop Date
  • Assistant/ Co Chair for Treatment Coordinator- need interim for the interim trough the end of the year.
  • Add Co Chair for treatment to guidelines.
  • Could we or should we think about doing Winter event?
    • Benefit Central office
    • Much smaller than Picnic
    • Would we be competing against other money asks
  • Cleaning and or clearing out of old banners and pamphlets etc, out of TAC closet. Michelle and Lori will get together at central office and work it out.
  • Update Guidelines by Sept 7th sub committee meeting- ALL CHAIR positions will go over their.
  • Add Plain Language BB ordering to subcommittee meeting.
  • Need to place 4th qtr book order in Sept.

Committee Reports: SEE ATTACHED







Intergroup Area 18 –

InterGroup Report:

Treasurer Balance – $775

Lefty Raft Race – tomorrow, 1:30-5:00, ending with a BBQ at Ann Morrison, hosted by District 3, 50/50 and a raffle at the end.

Still in need of a Co-Chair and someone to maintain the Hotline calendar. There is someone who was helping the previous Chair but they have not come to the business meeting to be voted in. In the interim, TVICO employees are stepping up and calling all of the names on the current calendar to try and secure a 6-month commitment.

Intergroup is really struggling with having all committee positions filled and support at events they host (Founders Day this past June is a great example. Very low attendance and money lost in hosting) Please consider sending an InterGroup Rep from your home group to bring information back and keep your group in the know about what InterGroup is and what they do in the AA community.

Motion to close – Coop, Vivian 2nd 11:39

Close with responsibility statement