August 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting

August 19, 2023

Attendees: Jared, Kimmie, Melanie, Coop, David, Dan, Michelle, Alison, Dave H, Carissa, Kathy, Ben C, Robert, Christine S, Dylan, Rusty

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.

Traditions read by – Kimmie

Introductions – Melanie (Dist 3 DCM), Jason, Dillon & Ben – welcome!

Minutes from the last meeting – Kimmie

Motion to accept minutes as presented – Michelle

Motion Seconded – Coop

Motion passed

TAC Chair Report – Jared

  1. Will register for the fall assembly and will attend with a group GSR to raise TAC awareness.

Treasurer’s Report – Christine

  1. See below – says July but it has been changed on the final copy
  2. Christine will be out next month therefore next month’s report will be late. Also, we need to announce the need for a Treasurer to take over at the next rotation.

Motion to accept – Robert

Seconded – Michelle

Motion passed

Literature Report – Alison

  1. Discussion on current inventory
  2. Based on current inventory and the needs, we have a 3rd quarter book order amount of $2155. (We have more money to spend. Adding an extra case of everything, across the board, that brings us up to roughly $3900-$4400, which still leaves us $2000 in discretionary funds.) $1839.20 is the discounted rate, which would be about $3921.
    1. Motion to place 3rd quarter order – Michelle
    2. Second – Coop
      1. Discussion – what is that amount? It is different based on the books
    3. Motion passed
  3. Coop suggested we bring literature to the monthly business meeting for people to pick up.Think about it and discuss at next meeting.
  4. Still needs to inventory the pamphlets we have on hand

Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (men)/Michelle B (Women)

  1. See more detailed report sent with minutes
  2. Men have a meeting at Mtn View (previously CAPP), Saturday’s at 9 am, ISCI on Thursday, Women’s meeting at PRC (1st & 3rd Monday of the month at 6:30).
    1. IDOC – Need to do so many hours with a yellow card then go to a green card
  3. Ada Cty Jail is currently closed to volunteers at this time, due to shortages of staff.
  4. New women volunteers at PRC are making new meeting opportunities
  5. Melanie will be setting up a meeting at the Murphy jail. Also has contacts at Canyon Cty so we should hopefully be able to get in there soon as well.
  6. Still need more volunteers
  7. Promotion of training information available at
  8. Nov 17th – next IDOC, Ada Cty will be in Dec sometime.

Hospital/Treatment Report – Travis

  1. We purchased a few books that were necessary for Lifeways. Requesting reimbursement of $67.80, receipt image sent via email. P.S. – this needs to be done beforehand as it needs to be voted on. Jared will follow up.
  2. Treatment volunteer meeting is September 9th at 11am at Alano club . Please send out the word. Michelle and I will chat about if she wants to take some time to promote corrections there as well.
  3. Meetings are running well and it has been a very long time since we’ve had to cancel in any facility. Volunteers are doing a wonderful job!
  4. Also, I have found someone to take over the reins for me at the new year. Please let us know what the best way is to start that process and how I can transition this to a new nominee.

Bridge the Gap Report – Brian S.

  1. BtG has been very slow this last month. There haven’t been any new bridge requests. TVICO folks are including BtG pamphlets with meeting guides and other things they hand out, so that’s super cool. I did take a new pink ream of paper and printed out new pamphlets and stocked up over there. So if anyone wants any they are there for the taking. I did speak with a volunteer up at Cottonwood who has supplied the prison up there with BtG pamphlets, so hopefully we’ll see some come back from up there.

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

  1. Intergroup Treasury Balance – $434.17
  2. Entertainment Chair will be creating a flier with possible upcoming activities, such as:
    1. Halloween Event
    2. All-Vehicle Poker Run to Cascade

Thoughts on these ideas or any other suggestions from homegroups are greatly appreciated. The Flyer will be posted on the TVICO website soon.

  1. New part time employee hired for Central Office who will fill in as needed.
  2. Bylaw Amendment regarding when Steering Committee members rotate out passed. The gist is that committee members from Districts 3, 5, & 9 will rotate out on Dec 31 of even numbers years and committee members from Districts 4 & 8 will rotate out on Dec 31 of odd numbered years. The purpose of this change is to prevent everyone rotating out at the same time, which would leave no one remaining with any history or knowledge of what has happened over the past 2 year service period.
  3. Request to send out the Intergroup and Store financials

Accessibilities Report – open position

  1. This is included in our guidelines so please announce at home groups


  1. We do have a new event coordinator position (currently vacant) listed in the guidelines. Nothing else to report at this time.
  2. Michelle set up a template for planning this which will hopefully make planning the next picnic easier

Webmaster Report – David

  1. Changing the front page look to optimize and make loading faster

CPC/PI Report – Collette

  1. Nothing new to report

Grapevine Rep – Jamie S

  1. No report


  1. Fall Assembly – in Burley – we probably don’t need a table there but Jared will attend and be available for general questions. Maybe have a flier available to pass out.

Old Business

  1. Literature report – discussed above

New Business

  1. Dist 5 is hosting an AA Service in the Treasure Valley workshop – Sept 16th – 1-3 pm (Hope Lutheran Church – 331 N Linder Rd, Eagle, ID 83616 (Carissa will email copy of flyer)
  2. Melanie – Region 3 Recovery Day – Saturday, Sept 16 10 am – 2 pm (The Train Depot – 701 Main St, Caldwell, ID 83605)
    1. Would love to have a TAC table there – Michelle mentioned that there is a “bin” at TVICO that is portable with all pertinent TAC information.

Motion to adjourn – Coop

Second – Christine

Meeting adjourned at 11:18

NEXT MEETING September 16, 2023 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

Zoom Password 605450 (not required)

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