April 2024 Business Meeting Minute

Treasure Valley TAC Business Meeting

April 20th, 2024

Attendees: Vivian, Travis, Jared, Carissa, Kimmie, David P, Dave, Jessica D, Hannah, David , Kathy, Steve, Sam, William, Ashley, Kaitlyn, Chase, Stephanie, Jason, Coop, James, Brandon, Haley

Open the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.

Traditions read by – Kimmie

Introductions –

Minutes from the last meeting –

Motion to accept minutes as presented – Kimmie

Motion Seconded – Coop

Motion passed

TAC Chair Report – Travis

  1. The Service Workshop was April 6th 11AM Alano Club
    1. About 25-30 people in attendance – including TAC committee members
    2. Jessica introduced to new volunteers
    3. Ticket sales and info sent to groups via workshop through GSR and group members
    4. Items discussed – Tix sales, Baccypaw responsibility, service openings, creating more awareness for picnic
    5. Live music and equipment for PA
  2. New opportunities for Service treatment and corrections.
    1. TVTAC updates and information accessibility
    2. New facilities ie-Snake River and East Boise work release in talks with reps.

Treasurer’s Report – Vivian

Motion to accept – Jared

Seconded – David

Motion passed

Motion to approve the expense of $305 for the filling fees- Kimmie

Second- Kathy

Motion passed

$305 fee for filing fees to register as a non-profit with the state of Idaho.

Literature Report – Alison

No report

Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (men)/Michelle B (Women)/Melanie

As always, we need more volunteers �� Please send any interested people to tvtac.com to fill out form!



– Onsite meetings- requires PREA training

– Guest speakers for correction facilities (one time per year, no training)

– Correspondence- blind email or by writing

– Zoom meetings

NEXT TRAINING: All the people that signed up for trainings were women- we could really use more male support!

IDOC – They added a training for next Friday 4/29 5-9pm; Ada County Jail: May 9 6-9pm tvtac.com/training. If you went through the training over a year ago, you will need to recertify.

Hospital/Treatment Report – Hannah

Treatment Center Coordinator Monthly Report 4/20/24


– Patients very much appreciate the meetings. They want to try to add a couple of meetings throughout the week and possibly one on the weekend. 

– We have a few volunteers interested, just trying to get availabilities and schedules aligned. 

– Received feedback that the 7:00pm Thursday meeting needs to be changed to an earlier time due to limited staff coverage. Requested the meetings moved up to 2:45 or 4:00pm. Those times are difficult for our current Lifeways volunteers so I need to find volunteers with daytime availability. 

-Another option is Friday, Saturday, or Sunday at 7:00pm. 

– Literature delivered, Big Book large prints, small Big Books, Living Sober, and Daily Reflections. 


– Bubbled up to “leadership” the idea of bringing TAC volunteers in for weekly meetings. 


– Delivered large print Big Books, small Big Books, and 12 and 12’s. 

To Discuss:

  • Allumbaugh group conscience. Discussion about non aa member going into a meeting at allumbaugh- overwhelmingly NO.
  • 24 hour chips for meetings?

Bridge the Gap Report – Kathy C


  • Working on 3 applications this month. The earliest release is July 2024.

Phone App:

  • We have received 2 phone calls. One woman looking for a meeting which I took care of. The

other call was from Allumbaugh House, no message left. No way to identify the caller when I

called back.

BTG applications

  • Dropped off BTG forms at Allumbaugh House, Intermountain and Lifeways.

We need BTG info at Allumbaugh and Intermountain

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

InterGroup Bank balance -$1000

Boise River Float planned for early August. Working with BACYPAA to plan it; more details to


Joe & Charlie Workshop on June 21-23rd at the Maple Grove Grange (11692 W Presidents Dr,

Boise). It begins at 5:30 pm on Friday. $30 + $13 workbook cost. Prepay by Sunday, June 1st.

Mail checks or call with credit card:


1111 Orchard St #180, Boise, ID 83705

(208) 344-6611

With your name, address, phone #, and email

There is also a Zoom option for $25

Coffee, water, soda, and snacks provided; General diet box lunch provided Saturday;

Continental breakfast provided on Sunday

Founder’s Day always competes with the Mack’s Creek camp out. Looking for feedback on

alternative options.

Accessibilities Report – Jared

Putting together resources and information

Events Coordinator Jessica D – Introduction and vote?

TAC picnic coming together, ticket sales very important, text Jessica for more tickets.

Talk to your groups about donating a basket or entering a dish into the cookoff.

Webmaster Report – David

CPC/ PI is not going to move forward with joining our web service.

CPC/PI Report – Collette has stepped down / Open

Grapevine Rep – Any thoughts?

Workshops – March 30th 12×12 Workshop at Mountain View Church on Cole

Old Business

  1. Business card idea – Is this something we want to continue putting on hold?
  2. Website has been switched over – Updates available?
  3. Liability insurance policy once we are incorporated.
  4. Kathy has been able to update BTG info on new service
  5. Sub committee meeting minutes have been sent out (please see Carissa email)
  6. Events Coordinator – Jessica D has volunteered and been working with Michelle.
    1. Intro
    2. Game plan
    3. How the committee can help
    4. Who else do we think should be involved if any?

New Business

  1. CP/CPI opening ongoing – Any traction?
  2. Literature Chair – Any Traction?
  3. Travis and Vivian on Bank Account – 501-C3??
  4. Good Samaritan – Accessibility Opportunity
  5. Reimbursement for TAC volunteer workshop food supplies etc?
  6. When do we want to look at guidelines as a new committee?
  7. Assembly-Who is going? Are we able to pitch picnic? Can we cover expenses? Carissa and Jared.
  8. Kimmie makes a motion to fund Carissa and Jared to go to the spring assembly not to exceed $800. Kathy seconded. Motion passed.
  9.  (https://tac.tvtac.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/TAC_GUIDELINES.pdf – link to the guidelines
    1. There are a lot of little details that are “in our heads” that we need to make sure is passed along or documented within the position.
  10. There are opportunities for volunteers at Snake river Detention in Oregon (open for discussion and more info to come) Still working on this. Drew G will send info next week.
  11. Eastside retention facility – East Boise low security – Training is similar to corrections but, back ground is not done? Will coordinate with Michelle once more info is known. Andrew and Tina will advise once communication is updated.

Motion to adjourn – Kimmie

Second – Coop

NEXT MEETING May 18th, 2024 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

Zoom Password 605450 (not required)

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