February 2024 Business Meeting Minute

TAC Business Meeting


Attendees: Kimmie, Jared H, Travis, Carissa, Michelle, Melanie, Kathy, David, Christine, Brian, Hannah, Brian, William, Spencer, Ben, James, Dan, Dave, Allison, Vanessa, David, Teresa

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.

Traditions read by: Kimmie

Introductions –

Minutes from the last meeting – not read

Motion to accept minutes as presented: Melonie

Motion Seconded : Kimmie

Motion carries

TAC Chair Report – Travis

  1. See Attached

Treasurer’s Report –

  1. See below

Motion to accept: Jared

Seconded : Michelle

Motion carries

Literature Report – Alison See Attached

  1. Discussion about next book order. What and when? Michelle suggested that we do a stocking book order so that were not having to wait for books when they are needed. Several people agreed.
  2. Kimmie makes a motion to make a list of who is allowed to take literature from the TAC storage at central office.
  3. Christine seconded
  4. Motion Carries
  5. Kimmie makes a motion to place the stocking book order as discussed for the discounted price about $3500.
  6. Michelle seconded.
  7. Motion carries

Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (men)/Michelle B (Women)

Also see attached for more details.


As always, we need more volunteers 😊 Please send any interested people to tvtac.com and have them complete the corrections form so we can contact them please!



  • Get into Juvenile Facilities (CC), work release centers and additional prisons
  • Discuss group way of working the steps at correction facilities
  • Gather volunteers for:
    • Onsite meetings- requires PREA training
    • Guest speakers for correction facilities (one time per year, no training)
    • Correspondence- blind email or by writing
    • Zoom meetings

MURPHY JAIL: we have a male volunteer to do Zoom meetings- need backup.

WEBSITE UPDATED: Has new documents that tell people how it works and what to do/next steps.

NEXT TRAINING: IDOC April 18 (Thurs) 5-9pm -1301 N Orchard St Boise


  • 10 Corrections Professionals- information NY recommends to talk to professionals about AA in facility= $5.25 per

10 Corrections New Meeting- has Corrections specific meeting formats/chip stickers/etc= $5.25 per

Michelle makes a motion to be reimbursed for the new meeting binders.

Christine seconded

Discussion/ more information.

Motion Carries

Hospital/Treatment Report – Hannah

  1. The last month has been about connecting with volunteers and getting an idea of where we can expand and where we need coverage.

Sent out volunteer mass email and text message thread.

Gotten a lot of volunteer communication, people seem to be working together to make sure there is always coverage.

  1. Moonlight Mt Nampa – Made some headway getting more volunteers through the doors,
  2. Lifeways – New volunteers going in to Lifeways. I will connect with them this week to iron out a format. Gotten feedback that they need a new format. Contacted Juliana about connecting with her this week.
  3. Intermountain is pretty set, but I have been trying to get new volunteers in as we need extra coverage.

The next few weeks is going to be about connecting face to face with treatment centers and making sure they have my contact in case they need to discuss anything.

Bridge the Gap Report – Kathy See Attached

How much sobriety do volunteers need? Guideline say 1 year.

Melonie makes a motion for Kathy to set up the BTG phone as long as the cost is $20-$40.

Christine seconded

Discussion ensued

Motion carries

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

  1. InterGroup will be hosting a Joe & Charlie Workshop on June 21-23,2024 at the Maple Grove Range. Need $625 as a deposit, which TVICO will pay. More details to follow. 

The Treasurer reported a tentative balance of $354.11. She needs to get the bank information transferred over from the outgoing Treasurer.

Elections – Co-Chair, Newsletter & Activities Chair are open. Brenda M stood for the Co-Chair and Newsletter but there was a quorum present (need at least 7 people) to carry out a vote.

Hotline/Answering Service – Tara Lynn – needs lots of support. There is an information meeting scheduled for 2/22 at 6pm, at Central Office, in the large conference room available in that building.

Accessibilities Report Jared

  1. Has received some links with great information. Is getting flyers and surveys that will be uploaded to our website to gauge needs. Lots of information gathering.

Event Coordinator – Open Position

Michelle created shortcut guide for the annual TAC picnic.

Webmaster Report – David

  1. New hosting website is inclusive ($170/ 4 years and then $9 a month after). There is plenty of storage, security and 100 email addresses, among other things. There is a lot more included in the new one versus the current one.
  2. David makes a motion that we establish a new Hostinger account, $200 upfront cost, move the account in March/ April.
  3. Christine seconded
  4. Motion Carries

CPC/PI – Open Position

Collette resigned.

Grapevine Rep – Open Position


  1. Fliers on area 18 and TVICO websites

Old Business

  1. 2024 Business Card idea- holding off until website is switched over
  2. Volunteer interest form- hold off on that

New Business

  1. Events Coordinator Position- discussed
  2. Sub Committee Meeting

Motion to adjourn- Christine

Second- Kimmie

Meeting adjourned at 11:29

NEXT MEETING (03/16/2024) at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

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