July 2024 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting Agenda


Welcome and open meeting at 10:05am

Traditions: David

Introductions: Welcome Lori W. as the Literature Chair-Vote was taken and unanimous in favor-

Jared, David, Carissa, Jennifer, Lori, Kathy, William, Peter, Vanessa, James, Eric, David, David, Dayna, Tom, Vivian, Drew

Previous Meeting Minutes:

Kathy makes motion to accept minutes

William 2nd

Motion passed

Treasurer’s Report: See Attached, budget proposal and ending June Treasurer report-

James makes motion to accept treasurers report

Kathy 2nd

Motion passed

Old business:

  • BTG materials, how can we get info to people- bookmarks? Redo or get an additional stamp to include. (Included stamp info on Attachment)
    • Ordered stamp – Discussion about getting materials to treatment center residents.
  • BTG info? Sticker or business cards with BTG info? Lots of discussion- Dayna, Hannah, Kathy will talk more (Proposal Vote?)
  • Walker center in Gooding – needs support- Contact Hannah.
  • Pathways Crisis Center books? – Travis working on this? Carissa?
    • Carissa will go talk to them on Monday
  • Hannah discussing Intermountain issue with Kathy – TABLED FOR NEXT MONTH

New business:

  • Book Order for Q2: See current Inventory
    • Discussion ensued
    • Kathy makes a motion to place order for literature as requested- $3383.20- 320 books
    • James 2nd
    • Motion passed
    • How much are we willing to spend on pressing order?
    • What can we use or help TVICO/Central office with?
      • They are short on funds
    • Lori has info for TVICO and how we can help with our order.
  • Volunteer training for treatment and corrections –
  • GET THE WORD OUT!!! Saturday Aug 3rd, Alano Club at 11am
    • What is our message? Are we promoting at meetings? On site?
    • How to keep meeting on point? How to properly deal with staff?
      • Panel mention and Thoughts?
    • Do we want to discuss passing on funds to other committee/TVICO, Baccypa etc? after the order and new treasurer report? Discussion ensued- TABLED TO NEXT MONTH
    • Accessibilities- helping people get to meetings. Jared and Jennifer will get together to discuss further. There is a survey for some of these things.
    • Kathy mentioned the liability in our being a non-profit.
    • Eric went over some suggestions for treatment center meetings- will discuss further.
    • Snake River Corrections- Drew and Travis talked- been in communication with the Chaplin Sue- still working on getting into the facility
    • Are we going to have a table at the Fall assembly? YES- will discuss further.

Committee Reports: SEE ATTACHED







Intergroup Area 18 –

Motion to close – David

2nd Tom

Close with responsibility statement 11:28am