July 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting

July 15, 2023

Attendees: Kimmie, Robert M, David, Carissa, Christine S, Jared H, Dave, Alison, DJ, Coop, Frank, and Robert R

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer. 

Traditions read by – Carissa

Introductions – no new folks this month

Minutes from the last meeting – Kimmie

Motion to accept minutes as presented – Christine

Motion Seconded – Coop

Motion passed

TAC Chair Report – Jared 

  1. Been going to meetings and announcing the TAC needs.

Treasurer’s Report – Christine

  1. See below
  2. Question about BBQ seed money – clarified this was for last month
  3. Coop mentioned that since they have been passing around a Pink Can at Rule 62, donations to TAC have increased.
  4. Please have groups mail in donations to our PO Box (address is on the pink Cans!) instead of dropping off at TVICO.

Motion to accept – Kimmie

Seconded – Coop

Motion passed

Literature Report – Alison 

  1. Robert R’s request:
    1. Estimated costs for Robert’s proposed order:
    2. At full price (based on quantity discount) 1 case Daily Reflections and 2 cases 12X12 is $900 (this is for a new meeting that Steve, the counselor, will be opening up in 3 weeks). If we can combine it with another order to get a discount it would be between $846 and $792. Do we want to dip into the prudent reserve now to fill this? See motion below.
    3. Note that Jared was also looking for some Daily Reflection’s so adding one more case…$1,400 at full price, or depending on Central Office between $1,232 and 1,316. 
    4. Motion to wait until next month when we do our 3rd quarter book order (which ios next month) – Christine; Second – Coop; Motion passed
  2. We received the last order, all is stamped and ready for pickup and in the Storage locker at TVICO.
  3. Keep in the back of your mind any leaflets and flyers we might need. Alison will report back once she completes the inventory.

Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (men)/Michelle B (Women)

  1. Corrections Women – 4 of us attended orientation at PRC and will be able to go with the two green card holders on Monday nights- woohoo!
  2. We also were approved to attend North Dorm meetings so in a month or so, we will open that door too.
  3. Corrections Mens – Robert still attends 3 facilities per week. One other green card person also takes in 1 meeting and one yellow card person attends with Robert 1x per week.
  4. Steve, the counselor who attended the TAC meeting a few months ago, has moved to The Yard and will be starting inmate led meetings. More volunteer clearance is expected soon.
  5. Ada County Jail – are still on hold with no volunteers allowed.
  6. Still in desperate need of people so please talk about 1) training dates in August, 2) website and form on there now and 3) the Adopt a Facility idea 🙂
  7. Next trainings are:
    1. Aug 3 for Ada County
    2. Aug 17 for IDOC
  8. Anyone interested – please send to tvtac.com

Hospital/Treatment Report – Travis

  1. Intermountain is going well. All groups are rotating on a 2 or 3 person panel.
  2. Lifeways is recommitted to staff involvement to help with books, readings and possible security if needed. Have a new employee assigned to our groups, which is helping a lot.
  3. Allumbaugh is going well, 7am zoomers are transitioning to other volunteers helping on Wed.
  4. Moonlight Mountain Recovery Boise is good. We now have teams in place in 3 of their other facilities. Nampa on Monday night (Larry V and team), Kuna on Thursday nights 1 and 3 (Gerry C and team) and Middleton 2nd and 4th Mondays. 
  5. Creekside still on hold.
  6. Treatment volunteer meeting will be September 9th at 11am. In the Alano club. Please reach out with any suggestions, topic points etc. we can discuss next month as well!

Bridge the Gap Report – Brian S.

  1. Not much to report on Bridging the Gap. Has been very slow the last month. No new bridge requests. Did get two new volunteers though.

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

  1. TVICO Treasury Balance – $434.17
  2. Intergroup Co-Chair position is OPEN. Please announce at your groups. The position requires 5 years of sobriety, is not eligible for re-election and oversees or works closely with the Entertainment Chair.
  3. Group donations to TVICO are up 63.5%, compared to Jan-June of 2022 -Thank you!!
  4. The Steering Committee is currently working out a new lease agreement, specifically thinking of the Archives that are stored there and that there is not an insurance clause in the current lease. This would be a great loss if something were to happen so they are doing their due diligence to cover the bases adequately.
  5. It was pointed out that our website currently states that we serve District 11 (among the others listed there) but there isn’t a District 11. Just wanted to point that out.

Accessibilities Report – open position

  1. This is included in our guidelines so please announce at home groups


  1. We do have a new event coordinator position (currently vacant) listed in the guidelines. Nothing else to report at this time.

Webmaster Report – David (short term help)

  1. Clarified about the Volunteer form listed on tvtac.com, which is to be used by anyone who would like to volunteer to take meetings into treatment centers and hospitals.
  2. Will be adding terms and conditions and privacy blurbs on our website.

CPC/PI Report – Collette

  1. The district 3 and CPC/PI workshop A “Professional” Panel on 7/8/23 was attended by around 15 people. There were 4 panel speakers who spoke for 10-15 minutes and then answered questions. CPC/PI plans to do more workshops in the future to serve professional folks who may come in contact with alcoholics in their workplace. This will help the professional community to better understand how to reach AA and educate them on what AA does (and does not do).
  2. The CPC/PI website committee had their last meeting before going live on the website. A big shout out to David for giving us so much time and effort to make it happen.
  3. Please announce at meetings you attend that CPC/PI needs more group representatives to attend the business meeting held on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. The next meeting is on Tuesday 7/18/23 at 6:30-7:30 pm at the Meridian Library on Cherry Lane in Meridian. There is a whole gambit of service to do that would greatly help to carry the message.
  4. The Adopt a Book Nook project is a huge success. CPC/PI began distributing Big Books to Book Nooks in the Boise, Nampa and Meridian area with the help of many AA members. It has now blossomed into many places in southern Idaho, and beyond. There has been huge enthusiasm for this project.

Grapevine Rep – Jamie S 

  1. No report


  1. Fall Assembly – in Burley – we probably don’t need a table there but Jared will attend and be available for general questions. Maybe have a flier available to pass out.

Old Business 

  1. N/A

New Business

  1. DJ requested information that we would like to make Area aware of. Discussion ensued.

Motion to adjourn Christine

Second David

Meeting adjourned at 11:17

NEXT MEETING August 19, 2023 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

Zoom Password 605450 (not required)

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