Treasure Valley
Treatment Accessibilities Corrections
Serving Districts
3,4,5,8 and 9 of Area 18
June 2023 Business Meeting Minutes
TAC Business Meeting
June 17, 2023
Attendees: Jared, Michelle, Colette (I have no idea who else was there 😆)
Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.
Traditions read by – ??
Introductions –
Minutes from the last meeting (not read) – Kimmie
Motion to accept minutes – ??
Motion Seconded – ??
TAC Chair Report – Jared
- Talked to Scott once. Cannot get him again.
- Open positions – read the Accessibilities and Events Committee descriptions
- DJ (Area West TAC Chair) talked about 3 needs:
- Helping to get meetings to Elders
- ASL needs
- Braille needs
- Possible fliers to get to meetings (DJ will put together and email to groups)
- Michelle suggested link on website for braille needs
- Jared brought up point in our guidelines (what point???)
- We can get literature if needed
Treasurer’s Report – Christine
- See below
Motion to accept – Michelle
Seconded – Collette
Motion passed
Literature Report – Alison
- No report
Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (men)/Michelle B (Women)
- CAPP Saturday 9 a.m.- 1 volunteer
- IMSI Thursday 11am.- 1 volunteer
- Requested Daily Reflections, As Bill Sees it and Grapevines
- ISCC every other Thurs 1 p.m. .- 1 volunteer
- ISCI Saturday 11a.m., Sun 6:30pm.- 1 volunteer
- PRC Women’s 1st and 3rd Monday 6:30 p.m. .- 2 volunteers
- 5 new women approved to go with Green card person- orientation 7/11
- Potential to split into North Dorm (higher security) and PRC so more coverage
- Wednesday and Thursday 8pm (womens)- 10 volunteers
- Mens- once a week- 4 volunteers
The fire is lit! All facilities are asking for meetings now!! Please see the Adopt a Facility flyer and help spread word since we are only in a fraction of the locations and all is severely limited by only having so few volunteers, especially for men facilities.
- IDOC Training: Aug 17
- Ada County trainings: Aug 3
- When is next purchase and deadline to tell count please Alison?
- Please help pass out new flyer and put into meeting “special events” binder!!
Hospital/Treatment Report – Travis
- Vivian and Bonnie reached out to help with Good Samaritan on Wed. Nights. Matt F and Jason B. Attended. We will be attending moving forward there are volunteers available to chair. Also, this is open for other attendees to grow the meeting as well.
- Intermountain is going well, almost at 70% 3 person panel capacity. Staff is having positive reaction to volunteers. 1 month with no safety incidents!
- Creekside Rehab still on hold. Will discuss with Collette and see if there is another way to approach. Maybe a new contact!
- MMR- rotation is good and staff is reporting positive feedback. Still asking for books and Volunteers are directing them to ask when they’re at meetings.
- Allumbaugh rotation is solid, Sunday Chris R from Kuna and his group rotate. Wednesday – group 1 and Boise Zoomers rotate. Monday Sober living guys and MattF and Vanessa R rotate.
- Lifeways is running ok. Meeting with contact there next week or two to see how we can get more staff interaction and direction for clients.
- Eagle Ranch has been contacted and we will follow up with discussion in next week or two.
- Volunteer meeting has tentatively been pushed to September based on feedback and summer travel plans. I’ll keep ya’ll posted there and get a flyer out for groups.
Bridge the Gap Report – Brian S.
- BtG has been steady. There’s been some requests from treatment and correction centers for bridges. There is still a pressing need for Nampa/Caldwell volunteers. Especially men volunteers. If you know of anyone in that area, who is interested in being a volunteer please let me know or give them the Tac/BtG number.
Intergroup Report – Kimmie
- No official report but I do have the Central Office and Intergroup financials as well as a Steering Committee report, which I will send with the minutes.
Accessibilities Report – open position
- Guessing this was discussed when DJ talked
Picnic Report -Michelle
- Full report provided and sent with the minutes.
Webmaster Report – David (short term help)
- No report
CPC/PI Report – Collette
- No report
Grapevine Rep – Jamie S
- No report
- Gem State RoundUp – this has been cancelled or at least postponed
- Fall Assembly
Old Business
- Adhoc Bylaws – Final attached to email. Time to post
- Grapevine subscriptions –
- Moving the meeting location –
- Venmo –
- Open positions – elections will be in January 2024, for the next 2 year rotation.
- Accessibilities & men’s corrections chair – current need
- Events coordinator
New Business
- Virtual sign-up sheet – not approved
Motion to adjourn – ??
Second –??
Meeting adjourned at 11:28
NEXT MEETING July 15, 2023 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.
Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858
Zoom Password 605450 (not required)
TAC Treasurer Report June 2023
ABSI $88.00
No Mo Stinkin Thinkin $10.00
Sobriety Seekers $5.95
Sisters in Solution $50.05
7 am Attitude Adjustment $10.00
TOTAL $164.00 $5,167.85 CONTRIBUTIONS
How it Works $20.76
Journey of the Heart $175.00
How it Works $8.72
Sobriety Seekers $90.00
The Steps Come Alive $291.28
7am Zoomers $250.00
TAC Picnic Seed Money Reimburse $140.00
TAC Picnic Donation $6,000.00
TOTAL (25% to Pink Can) $1,743.94 $6,975.76 $12,143.61 EXPENSES AND TRANSACTIONS
TVICO Storage ($50.00)
TOTAL ($50.00) $12,093.61 RESERVE FUNDS
Prudent Reserve $1,500.00
Pink Can $3,454.54
BBQ Seed Money $750.00
Discretionary Funds $6,389.07
TOTAL $12,093.61