March 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting

March 18, 2023

Attendees: Kimmie, Jared, Brian S, Dave H, Matt F, Andrew, Michelle, Matt W, Robert M, Colette, Christine S, Rusty J, David H, and Brian M

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.

Traditions read by – Kimmie

Introductions – Welcome to Matt F, Andrew, and Matt W

Minutes from the last meeting (not read) – Kimmie

Motion to accept minutes – Christine

Motion Seconded – Michelle

Motion passed

TAC Chair Report – Jared

  1. A reminder about elections that will be coming in January of 2024. Please announce at meetings and be prepared with position requirements.

Treasurer’s Report – Christine

  1. Beginning Balance -$5553.19
  2. Pink Can donations – $84.60 (Please make sure you put your group name on the memo, clearly)
  3. Contributions – $500.69 (25% or $125.00 diverted to pink can)
  4. Expenses & Transactions
    1. TVICO Storage – $50
    2. Alano Club March rent – $20
    3. US Postal Service – $176
    4. TVICO 1st qrt book order – $2781.40
    5. TVICO/BTG copies – $50.00
  5. Reserve Funds
    1. Prudent Reserve – $1500
    2. Pink Can – $209.60
    3. BBQ Seed Money – $610
    4. Discretionary Funds – $741.48
  6. Ending Balance – $3061.08

Motion to accept – Michelle

Seconded – Robert

Motion passed

Literature Report – Alison

  1. All of the 1st quarter 2023 books are in stock, stamped with our TAC info, and in our storage area ready for pick up.
  2. Here is the book inventory as of March 17, 2023:
  • 100 Big Book softcover (B-30) —20 are left from the 4th quarter 2022 order, and 80 from the 1st quarter 2023 order
  • 40 Large Print Big Book Abridged (B-24) — from the 3rd quarter 2022 order
  • 40 12X12 (B-15) — from the 1st quarter 2023 order
  • 80 Daily Reflections (B-12) — from the 1st quarter 2023 order
  • 100 As Bill Sees It (B-18) — from the 1st quarter 2023 order
  • 80 Came to Believe (B-6) — from the 1st quarter 2023 order
  1. The back-issue grapevines for 1st Q 2023 (90) are still on order. I will let you know as soon as they arrive. Please let me know if anyone has questions or requests. 

Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (interim chair)/Michelle (Women’s Corrections Chair)

  1. Ada County Jail
    1. The men’s side we are going in one night a week, only have 4 volunteers so we rotate weekly. Attendance varies from 1 to 10 men. An inmate run meeting is going on every night at 5:30, it is called the meeting under the stairs.
    2. The women’s side has two meetings a week going on, attendance does vary but it is going strong.
  1. Canyon County Jail
    1. Still closed due to COVID, I have not checked on their status this month.
  2. Mountain Home Jail, has not returned my calls
  3. Owhyee Jail has not returned my calls
  4. Prisons – Currently we are able to go out to the following facilities
    1. PRC Women’s we are taking in a meeting Monday night at 7 p.m. have 3 volunteers so far!
    2. CAPP I’m taking a meeting into CAPP Saturday morning 9 a.m. have about 10 inmates attending
    3. ISCC Currently I take out a meeting every other Thursday at 1 p.m.
    4. ISCI inmate run meetings only so far, but I’m trying to get cleared for this facility the plan is take meeting out Thursday and Saturday at 11 a.m. this is in flux as the counselors are telling me that they do inmate rotation at this time so may go in earlier. Also Roland is taking in a meeting Sunday night at 6:30, he says the attendance so far has been spotty.
  5. Next PREA training is May 18th at 5 p.m. asking for people interested in going out to facilities to attend training first and then fill out clearance we have already had a few people submit clearance paper work and then not go to training.
  6. IMSI (IMAX) they do not have a VRC to coordinate meetings
  7. North tower (Women’s) do not have volunteers to cover
  8. SWBC (Women’s) due to the fact that they have freedom on the inside (Any A>), Celebrate Recovery (Christian based 12 steps) and NA going into facility I talked to the VRC and she is good with us waiting until we have more volunteers to start a meeting.
  9. Inmates love the material we are able to bring into them, as I’ve mentioned before they are able to get a first edition big book for free with the stories so we can focus on other books. if anyone wants to know more about this program they can go to This program is available to all non profits, so if there are hospitals, treatment centers, or homeless shelters please share this link with them! I’m thinking the VA, Boise Rescue mission, interfaith sanctuary etc.
  10. I’ve have also been distributing the recovery stickers to all the facilities, the inmates love them. I also just made up book markers to bring into the facilities the plan being is when the inmates get a book we give them a book marker. I’ve attached copies of both so you can share them at the meeting.
  11. Also some one had donated some thumb drives with a lot of speaker tapes on them, I have finally been able to get them into the hands of the VRC’s, as well as copies of the hall mark movies my name is Bill, the Lois Wilson story and the documentary on Bill W. The prisons have a closed TV network where they broad cast religious and recovery related shows. So far I know ISCC will be showing the movies and upload the speaker tapes to computers in the chapel that the inmates can listen to the speakers.
  12. I have spoken with Jeff who is in charge of volunteer services he has said that JPAY will not be able to down load the PDF Versions of AA books available to them at this time and it may be a year out. I’m going to reach out to New York and find out which states have started opening this up to the inmates to see if I can help grease the wheels to get things moving. We have to be respectful as we are guest, but I might be able to figure out what the issue is and assist them in getting this service available to the inmates.
  13. Last but not least need to know the status of the last book order, not sure if we are waiting for other books, but they are stacked in the hallway at central office. Would like to get them out to the facilities.

Hospital/Treatment Report – Travis

  1. Intermountain had a covid outbreak and is on lock down until next Monday.
  2. Allumbaugh house is going well. They have put in a request for 4-6 soft covered big books that are not abridged. Purpose is for staff to lend to clients that request the stories. Our contact, Marisa said requests have been increasing and having full books for the facility would be very helpful. Also, interested in Grapevines monthly or whatever is available.
  3. Lifeways is going well! They also have requested unabridged big books for staff use and client check out purposes for stories. (4-6) if possible? Also, grapevines have been a big hit! More if possible.
  4. Moonlight mountain meeting is going well, clients are responding well to meeting on site and volunteers are enjoying the interaction and sharing the message.
  5. Creekside rehab in Meridian meeting started 2 Sundays ago. Collette has lead both meetings and staff and patients have been really responsive! Facility has purchased own literature, chips and daily reflection material. Collette and I feel this meeting is a cross between Accessibility and Treatment facility.
  6. The Volunteer phone and email list is almost complete. Also, a full meeting schedule doc will be available shortly as well!
  7. Treatment volunteer meeting went well last week. Had 4 new Group GSR’s attend and will be taking info back to home groups so we can get them involved as well! Also, let peeps know about TV TAC website and how to get a hold of corrections committee members.

Bridge the Gap Report – Brian S.

  1. BTG apps available at TVICO
  2. A couple of new volunteers
  3. A handful of new requests have come in and currently coordinating bridging them with an AA member.

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

  1. District 5 now has representation at the Steering Committee – yay!
  2. Central Office needs PT workers for backup; if interested, please apply at TVICO.
  3. The Zoom account has been renewed at a cost of 149.90/year which is split with the Central Office Steering Committee.
  4. The entertainment chair is currently reviewing the Survey results, more to come on that. She is also looking for places where Intergroup can co-host events with the districts.
  5. Store Financials:
    1. Net operating cash is -$2317.33 because the expenses exceeded the income but there is still money in the checking account. Group contributions have been down ($2159.46) and every month it is like this, the net cash balance takes a hit. They will be reviewing current inventory and looking for ways they can reduce the overhead inventory, with anything not being sold being returned to GSO.
  6. Dist 5 is hosting a Spring Workshop on Sponsorship
    1. Saturday, March 25th – 11:00 am to 1:00 pm with a potluck to follow (please bring a side or main dish to share). It will be held at the Hope Lutheran Church – 331 N Linder Rd, Eagle, ID
      1. TAC table will be present. Michelle will add Jared and Andrew to a text chain with Carissa to coordinate.There is a box of stuff in storage at TVICO.
    2. Mack’s Creek Campout will be on June 8th – 11th, hosted by Midtown; more details to come

Accessibilities Report – open position

  1. Kimmie drafted something for the Slippery When Wet newsletter and sent it to the editor. I did not hear back from her and followed up but still have not heard back, so not sure if it will make it into the newsletter or not.

Picnic Report

  1. There are flyers available announcing the picnic
  2. Will be hosting a group cookoff (hamburger, potato dish or dessert, with 4 prizes). $5 tickets will cover the hamburgers and hotdogs on the grill and potluck items on the side. If they want to eat the cook off food, it will cost $2 (sold onsite) and will receive 4 tickets for voting purposes. Will have a 50/50 raffle, baskets (which can be stored at Central Office) and kids games.
  3. It will be at the Veteran’s Park pavilion – Saturday, June 3rd,

Webmaster Report – David (short term help)

  1. Contact page not set up yet, which will have an email account (can be your personal email) associated for each of the committee members.
  2. Need info on all the corrections flyers, making sure they have current wording and naming conventions.
  3. Will get the meeting minutes posted
  4. Suggested a QR code on all of our fliers, which will take people to the website.

CPC/PI Report – Colette

  1. Will work with David H to get CPC/PI information on the TAC website.

Grapevine Rep – Jamie S

  1. No report


  1. Gem State RoundUp and Spring Assembly (May 12-14, 2023, Nampa Civic Center, Nampa, ID)

Old Business

  1. Adhoc Bylaws – the committee has worked tirelessly over the past few months to get these updated. The draft copy has been made available to homegroups, awaiting feedback. Suggested we wait one more month for said feedback.
    1. Question – how to access bylaw draft guidelines. This can be posted to our website for download.
    2. Question – where can the website be found? Share with homegroups. Please keep in mind this is a work in progress
  2. Grapevine Subscriptions for jails and treatment centers – tabled to next month
  3. Open positions – corrections & Accessibilities. Please continue to announce at home groups and business meetings.

New Business

  1. Andrew (BACYPAA) – wants to bring Venmo as a payment option. There is a $600 limit with paypal and venmo, which would send a 1099 if we go over, and have tax implications. David H suggested Zelle. Drive people to the website and have contribution payment options available. Will get more information and bring it back next month. Question – can we become a 501(3c)? Andrew will research that as well and bring it back next month.
  2. Christine will send Kimmie an expense voucher for folks to submit to help with tracking of our expenses and reimbursement.
  3. Rental of this room is $10/hour –
    1. Motion to pay $40 for rental of room for last week’s planning and volunteer meetings – Kimmie
    2. Seconded – Robert
    3. Discussion – do we want to find another location that is more cost effective? Discuss at next meeting. What is the Meridian Bowling alley cost? Jared will check into that.
    4. Motion passed

Motion to adjourn – Kimmie

Second – Andrew

Meeting adjourned at 11:15

NEXT MEETING April 15, 2022 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

Zoom Password 605450

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