November 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting

November 18, 2023

Attendees: Jared, Kimmie, Hannah, Carissa, Debbie, David, Brian S, William, Kathy C, Vivian, Michelle, Alison, Christine, Drew G, Dave H, Colette, Brandon, Tom, Robert M,

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.

Traditions read by – Kathy C

Introductions – Drew G (New Area TAC West Chair), William (TAC Rep for Dist 8), Tom (7 AM Attitude Adjustment), Vivian (standing for incoming Treasurer)

Minutes from the last meeting – not read

Motion to accept minutes as presented – William

Motion Seconded – Michelle

Motion carries

TAC Chair Report – Jared

  1. Not leaving TAC – phone service & zoom account decisions need to be made

Treasurer’s Report – Christine

  1. See below

Motion to accept – Michelle

Seconded – Kathy C

Motion carries

Literature Report – Alison

  1. Emailed folks about needs. More discussion under New Business. Jared indicated current inventory is 3 boxes of large print abridged Big Books. (maybe use these in the prisons or in the Accessibilities). Currently sitting at ~$2800 cost. Kimmie Motioned to place a standing 4th qtr order, Michelle seconded. Discussion ensued. Kimmie Motioned to place the standing order + 1 case of big books. Michelle seconded. Motion carries. For now, high order would be ~3439.80 and low range would be ~$3234.60

Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (men)/Michelle B (Women)

  1. Everything is going well at the facilities. 2 meetings at the men’s and there is a PRC meeting at the women’s facility. Need more yellow card hours logged so they can turn into green card. (FYI – yellow card (<24 hours of volunteer time) vs green card (24 hours of taking meetings in) is a prison designation that determines ability and frequency of taking meetings in). Ada Cty jail is opening again on 11/20; Linae is getting a women’s list of volunteers together. Murphy jail – is going well and has books. IDOC training again on Jan 20, 2024 (max is 100/session); considering increasing training sessions, more to come on that.

Hospital/Treatment Report – Travis

  1. Intermountain hospital is going well. Positive feedback and a host of newly qualified volunteers getting in the mix.
  2. Allumbaugh- The Sunday meeting issue from last month has been resolved. Exactly 2 people will be there each Sunday. If we don’t have a 2nd person then the meeting will not take place. More than 2, people can decide who’s staying in the parking lot.
  3. Lifeways – steady but, need to rotate some of the volunteers into other meetings. This schedule change will be the focus this month.
  4. Moonlight Mountain has a new contact-we need to connect with them to determine if we can help in other facilities. Currently in East Boise women’s and 1 of Nampa houses. There are 3 others in question. Focus for the month.
  5. Creekside rehab is still on hold. More of an Accessibility opportunity here once we have some more feet on ground.
  6. Eagle mountain ranch and northpoint are still
  7. Talking points and we will continue to monitor these facilities.
  8. TAC volunteer meeting will take place December 9th 11am Alano club. We would like to discuss Treatment, Accessibility and corrections and BTG. Treatment heavy but, a great opportunity to expand the knowledge to others on what’s available to increase their service connection. Discussion about if there is a Zoom option for this meeting and ongoing needs for TAC, in general, related to a Zoom account. Motion to create a Zoom Account for TAC with a TVTAC email – Kathy C; Michelle seconded. Motion carried.
  9. Please pass the word. A flyer and meeting announcements will help. Hannah, Michelle.

Bridge the Gap Report – Brian S.

  1. Ada Cty jail – applications are no longer available. Brian reached out and made sure they have applications.
  2. Phone number discussion under new business.

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

  1. Intergroup Treasury balance – $434.17
  2. New Steering Committee member for District 8, Lisa S, was voted in.
  3. Store Financials – Gross sales $11,139.23; 7th Tradition $3,178.69; Cost of Goods Sold $6,474.52; Net Cash +/- $1,084.62.
  4. Still in need of an Activities Chair for the next rotation (will be elected at the Dec mtg)
    1. Intergroup Co-Chairperson/Entertainment Coordinator (1) Must have five (5) years (minimum) of continuous sobriety. (2) This position IS NOT eligible for reelection. (3) Attend monthly Intergroup meeting. (4) In the absence of the Chairperson, perform all duties assigned to the Chairperson. (5) Shall serve as a voting member on the TVICO Steering Committee. (6) Responsible for coordinating all fundraising and unity events for TVICO, as approved by Intergroup. (7) Prepare and give a report for Intergroup at each monthly meeting.
  5. The Steering Committee is planning a Joe & Charlie workshop for April 2024, more details to come.

Accessibilities Report

  1. No report

Event Coordinator

  1. No report

Webmaster Report – David

  1. Web traffic is up over the last 28 days. New committee members, please check out the website and review your committee information; let David know of any needed changes.

CPC/PI Report – Collette

  1. Went in the Ada County Juvenile Services and showed them the CPC/PI website so they know how to access and can find information about what AA is and how we can help them. Also went to U of I College of Law, for a Wellness Fair, and talked to a lot of students, handed out a lot of pamphlets.

Grapevine Rep – Jamie S

  1. No report


  1. Nothing at this time

Old Business

  1. 2024 Business Card idea – for potentially for contact information for the BTG, corrections and Treatment folks. Maybe on the flip side have the training opportunities and the website listed. Michelle motioned to make a 2024 business card with contact and PREA training information. Tom seconded. Discussion ensued. David suggested tabling until the incoming committee is in place. Tabled until January meeting.
  2. Application with an interest check box so the right people are contacted, like a half page sheet, which will be a paper version of what is available online on the TAC website. Motion to create a paper application that will be available at meetings and the group TAC rep can collect. Seconded – David (??) motion carries. Not discussed
  3. Nominations for next rotation read nomination guidelines from the bylaws. Committee position requirements read for each position.
    1. Chair nomination – Michelle nominated Travis; Coop seconded at the October meeting & Travis accepted the nomination. Travis voted in
    2. Secretary nomination – Jared nominated Carrisa; Michelle seconded – Carissa voted in.
    3. Treasurer -. Michelle nominated Vivian; Brandon seconded; Vivian voted in.
    4. Literature – Alison is willing to continue until the position can be filled however her travel schedule will limit her meeting attendance and checking inventory at Central Office. Michelle suggested this be discussed more at the 12/9 volunteer meeting.
    5. Grapevine Coordinator is nominated by the literature chair so that is to be determined. OPEN
    6. Accessibility Chair – Kimmie nominated Jared; Michelle – seconded. Jared voted in. Brandon expressed willingness to help as well. Jared and Brandon voted in.
    7. Corrections – Women – Michelle & Melanie; Men – Coop & Robert, both unofficially. All voted in.
    8. Treatment Center Chair – Travis nominated Hannah L; Colette seconded. Hannah voted in.
    9. Bridging the Gap – Michelle nominated Kathy C, Colette seconded. Kathy voted in.
    10. Event Coordinator, Facility Liaisons, Facility Meeting Coordinator, CPC/PI (Collete standing; William nominated, Michelle seconded. Colette voted in.) – these can be appointed later as they are positions appointed by the chair.
    11. Webmaster – Michelle nominated David & Jared seconded. David voted in.

New Business

  1. 4th Quarter Book Order –
  2. BTG phone number – is currently not working. Account activation has expired and no way to access and get re-established. Will need to work with Regina, who indicated we can port it over, if we choose a different provider. She will get the account information we need to make this change. Drew also offered assistance from David and himself. Suggestion (David) find a cheap dedicated line, maybe through Walmart or Mint Mobile. Drew can set up a temporary number until this can be ironed out.
  3. December business meeting – yes or no? Kimmie motions for no meeting in Dec; Michelle seconded. Motion carries.

Motion to adjourn – Michelle

Second – Carissa

Meeting adjourned at 11:50

NEXT MEETING January 20 2024 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

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