April 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting

April 15, 2023

Attendees: Kimmie, Jared, Brian M, Dave H, Michelle, Dave, Frank, Andrew, Robert M, David, Caresa, Colette, Simon, Karen, Dan

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.

Traditions read by – David

Introductions – Welcome to Dave

Minutes from the last meeting (not read) – Kimmie

Motion to accept minutes as amended – Andrew

Motion Seconded – Michelle

Motion passed

TAC Chair Report – Jared

  1. Attended the Dist 5 Sponsorship workshop, with Andrew and collected 3 names of people interested.
  2. Did not get the cost for the Meridian Bowling Alley cost; will do that for next month
  3. Will be at the Spring Assembly and anyone interested in sitting at the TAC table, please show up!
  4. Kudos

Treasurer’s Report – Christine

  1. No report due to technical difficulties; when received, will send out with the minutes

Motion to accept –

Seconded –

Motion passed

Literature Report – Alison

  1. No report

Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (interim chair)/Michelle (Women’s Corrections Chair)

  1. We are getting into a few facilities. I’m the only male cleared so far, but am going into 3 of the prisons , Thursdays 11 and 1 p.m. then Saturday 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
  2. On the women’s side we have 3 volunteers going into PRC, and north dorm when we can mix the two groups. We do not have enough volunteers to do SWBC yet, but Freedom on the Inside and Celebrate Recovery are going in. I know the abbreviations are strange but they are real!
  3. I don’t know if I reported last month, but found out that IDOC does not have the ability to download PDF files, which is why we have to wait for them to renew their contract with JAYPAY before we can get the material to the inmates.
  4. The next PREA Trading (this is for the prisons will be on May 18th. I believe the information is posted on the web site, please get the word out we need volunteers!
  5. Hopefully soon we can start looking at the work release centers, I honestly don’t know anything about their rules for taking meetings out, but inmates go out and work jobs and then come back at night so rules may be looser.
  6. I spoke with the jails, Caldwell is closed and not allowing volunteers in, but they welcome books! So I told them I would drop off some big books and inmate to inmate. Ditto for mountain home, I will drop off two cases of big books along with how to order them for free so we can give them other books. I have not reached Owyhee(?) County and have called several times with no response.
  7. I have found out the jails also have jpay so I will reach out to them to see if inmates can download PDF files and if they will allow inmates access.
  8. May 4th is the next Ada County jail training, which can be accessed on the Ada County Jail website.
    1. Question – if someone has completed the PREA, what are next steps? Go to the website that gives all of the requirements.

Hospital/Treatment Report – Travis

  1. Intermountain teams have been filling the 3rd volunteer spots pretty consistently. Staff has been encouraged with messages and feedback from volunteers.
  2. Allumbaugh has volunteers from Boise Zoomer’s group every other Wednesday. B-Staff is happy that they have access to full big books. Also, clients appreciating larger abridged versions
  3. Lifeways hospital has new binder courtesy of Tvico office (includes: format, promises, How It Works, etc. also, dropped off large print abridged version of big book and 4 full length 4 staff.
  4. Moonlight mountain Boise, continues to go well. Volunteers have been sharing positive feedback and appreciation to be involved there.
  5. Creekside rehabilitation meeting is on hold at the moment. Collette and Travis will discuss their next move in the near future .
  6. Meeting schedules, bookmarks and BTG info has been placed at facilities.
  7. Question – Andrew – will outreach to Travis to see if they can rotate the male spot out of Allumbaugh to another facility. Max F TAC rep for Outright Mental Defectives & Andrew is the co rep

Bridge the Gap Report – Brian S.

  1. Carissa mentioned that prisons are not aware of the BTG program and were excited about it. It was suggested that we make sure the volunteers pass this program along.
  2. Not a lot to report on the Bridging the Gap front anyways. It’s been very slow this last month.

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

  1. Intergroup Treasury balance – $506.99
    1. Reimbursed the chair (Stan N) $149.90, which was for renewing the Zoom account for the next year. This will be reflected on the April Treasurer’s Report. Randy C (Treasurer) will submit an invoice to Central Office to be reimbursed $74.95, which is half of the Zoom account charge.
  2. Founder’s Day celebration – June 17th – Tully Park, in Meridian, from 4:00 – 9:00 pm. Details are in the works.
  3. Central Office Store Financial Report
    1. Gross Sales – $10,232.77
    2. Contributions – $7334.92
      1. Group – $5774.92
      2. Individual – $560.00
      3. District 5 – $1000.00
    3. Cost of Goods sold – $7390.39
    4. Net Cash – $3925.37

Accessibilities Report – open position

  1. No report however Jared did read the position requirements.

Picnic Report -Michelle

  1. Only have one group (Michelle’s home group) that has expressed interest in the cook-off contest
    1. Do we scrap this idea all together and just focus on ticket sales? Group 1 did vote to participate in the cook off. Colette will be bringing up at her group’s business meeting next week. Decided to keep pushing it!! It is a great idea. 😊

Andrew has been going to District business meetings and announcing and taking back to their homegroups. ABSI – Brian will bring up at their meeting. Dist 4 – business meeting last Saturday; David sent the picnic flyers out to all groups – not sure who will respond. Jaywalkers business meeting on Friday (4/2/23) will discuss there.

  1. Baskets – OMD will be putting together a $100 gift basket. Michelle’s group will be doing a basket as well. Kimmie will put together a basket from DT’s & Beyond.
  2. Andrew – been attending meetings with Travis where people have been announcing the picnic – stressed the need to point out that this is TAC’s once a year chance to fundraise, in a bigger way than they normally do.

Webmaster Report – David (short term help)

  1. All Treasurer’s report from 2022 are on website
  2. Kimmie will forward all minutes from past 2 years, to be uploaded
  3. Contact information is yet to be uploaded

CPC/PI Report – Colette

  1. Have created a ad hoc subcommittee for their website changes and creating bylaws
  2. CPC/PI will have a table at the TAC picnic.

Grapevine Rep – Jamie S

  1. No report


  1. Gem State RoundUp
  2. Spring Assembly -May 12-14, 2023 @ Nampa Civic Center

Old Business

  1. Adhoc Bylaws – guidelines are in DRAFT form at this time. Only received feedback from Jaywalkers & Group 1 voted to trust the ad hoc committee with what needs to happen.. Kimmie will send out, again. Please, please bring this up at your.
  2. Dave W is putting together recovery bags, as part of his community service work for Drug Court. Is hoping to have Big Books pocket size (24) to include.Question – distribution plan? There are 12 Drug Court counselors that will distribute to their clients. Colette will bring this up at CPC/PI as well, from a professional community perspective.
  3. Grapevine subscriptions – tabled to next month
  4. Moving the meeting location – tabled to next month
  5. Venmo – (Andrew could use his personal Venmo. In the end, we should be pushing to have this as an option. Moving toward the digital age). We need to be registered as a 501(3c) and should have a lawyer involved. Andrew is willing to get answers to any questions. David suggested Andrew look into the cost of becoming a 501(3c). Also get information about the process and what it looks like. Get together a list of pros and cons.
    1. TAC is a service committee within a larger committee. As a service committee, do we have the autonomy to start our own 501(3c)? We would need to register with the attorney general as a 501(3c) and have a board of directions. Is this really feasible?? Andrew will still research and get the information we need to be able to make an informed decision.
  6. Open positions – elections will be in January 2024, for the next 2 year rotation.
    1. Accessibilities & men’s corrections chair – current need

New Business

  1. Picnic 50/50 raffle – Karen asked about pre-sale?
    1. Motion to approve but only up to 2 weeks prior to picnic – Andrew
    2. Michelle second.
      1. Discussion – people need to be present to win
        1. Amendment to the motion – sell 4 weeks prior, which would be at the Spring Assembly – declined as the spring assembly will be having their own 50/50 raffle
    3. Motion carried

Motion to adjourn – David

Second – Andrew

Meeting adjourned at 11:53

NEXT MEETING May 20, 2022 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

Zoom Password 605450

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