Feb. 2025 Business Meeting

TAC Business Meeting Minutes Feb



Attendees: Jared, Travis, Carissa, Kathy, Kimmie, Amanda, Steve, Hannah, Lori, David, Vivian, Joey P, Andrew, Tom, Joslynn, Ali, Dustin, Shelby, Jason, Eric, Phil

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.!!

Traditions read by – Kimmie

Introductions –

Minutes from the last meeting –

Motion to accept minutes as presented? Kathy

Motion Seconded? Tom

Motion carries? Yes

Treasurer’s Report

Motion to send final balance sheet for January to Travis to post on TVTAC by Vivian

2nd– Michelle

Motion passed

Motion to accept treasures report- Kimmie

2nd– Lori

Motion carries

Old Business

  1. Plain Language Big Book. Very well received in the prisons. Literature has been given to Ada Co Jail volunteers
  2. Status check on reaching out to district reps/ DCMs about attending the TAC business meeting.
  3. Stickers, BTG etc. Kathy and Travis will look at it.
  4. Keys handed out? Yes

Venmo info via report. (We need a # aka burner phone or email functionality)

1st Q Book order via Lori (Inventory update)

Next workshop for Q1 agenda and focus

e.As a group what is our focus coming out of 24’ and what is our message for 25?

  1. Our goal as a committee is to leave the incoming crew in 26’ in a better place!
  2. What activities do we want to participate in – accessible info

New Business:

A-we need to decide picnic action and commitment.

Do we want to do it as a committee?

Kimmie makes a motion that the TAC committee puts together the Picnic with BACYPA

Michelle 2nd

Motion carries

June 7th– Vetrans Park

Motion to accept proposal to have the picnic on June 7th at Vetrans Park for $175- Tom

2nd– Michelle

Motion carries

BACYPA would like to adopt a meeting at a facility. Will talk to Hannah and work that out. Will also talk to Michelle about guest speakers at the prisons.

Dist 8 – Tom is going to be the new Dist 8 rep.

WORKSHOP – Volunteer Training Information


Boise Alano Club

11- noon

Drew makes a motion to accept the April 5th date for volunteer training

2nd– Kathy

Motion Carries

Taking books into for profit facilities- Should we change the format for treatment centers?

Eric proposes changing the format at Northpoint. They are charging clients to be at the AA meeting. Focus more on steps 1, 2, 3, speakers, books. 

We also have to be careful with the facilities- we are guests and it’s a privilege for us to be able to go into the facilities.

Accessibilities assistance- please call Jared 208-353-7365

Committee Reports: See attached

Corrections – Male co-chair position is open. 


CPC/PI – position is open

Bridging the Gap



Webmaster – will be joining for the rest of the year via zoom


Motion to adjourn? Jared

Second? Kimmie

Meeting adjourned at? 11:42

NEXT MEETING (03/15/2025) at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

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