January 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting

January 21, 2023

Attendees: Kimmie, Jared, Jamie S, Colette, Coop, Christine, Brian S, Brian M, Alison, Dave H, Kate, Viggo, Randy, Robert, Lisa, and Michelle

  1. Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.
  2. Traditions read by Collette
  3. Introductions
  4. Minutes from the last meeting (not read) – Kimmie
    1. Motion to accept minutes – Coop
    2. Motion Seconded – Christine
    3. Motion passed
  5. TAC Chair Report – Jared
    1. Has been attending more meetings and announcing the position needs.
  6. Treasurer’s Report – Christine
    1. See complete report listed below
    2. Motion to accept – Jamie S
    3. Seconded – Michelle
    4. Motion passed
  7. Literature Report – Alison
  8. Due to unforeseen personal circumstances, nothing new to report at this time. An updated formal report will be available at the next meeting.
  9. Please be ready with needs to place a 1st quarter book order at the February meeting.
  10. Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (interim chair)
    1. As many of you have heard, New York World Service has reached an agreement with all the prison closed networks to upload our literature so that it is available to the inmates. Each facility will need to approve the access. Here in Idaho IDOC uses JPAY. We have a flyer from New York about this. This does not mean that we should not order books, according to New York the inmates still want a Big Book (you can’t highlight on a tablet.) It also may take a while to get the inmates access. We need to spread the word to all the IDOC facilities that this is available, very exciting.
    2. Also it turns out there is an International Corrections meeting for people wanting to hear more about aa in prison and to share ideas with how to share behind the walls.
    3. We also have the flyers for the tablet, the international Corrections meeting, Corrections Desk Activity Update, and the new pen pal forms. If people would like to write to an inmate and help them in their recovery these are the forms. As well as the ones for the inmates to request a pen pal. Currently the one on the web site needs to be updated so these are the latest and greatest.
    4. When he returns from AZ, we have the all clear to begin taking meetings into these facilities: CAP, ISCC, SWBC and PRC Women’s. There are currently 5 people cleared to take in meetings.
  11. Hospital/Treatment Report – Travis
    1. Volunteer phone and email lists and schedules are being created.
    2. Lifeways hospital volunteers have been consistently doing Thursday night meetings now for 2 months. 4 separate teams of 4 in rotation.
    3. Intermountain hospital is expanding to 3 volunteers per meeting now as of last week.
    4. Next treatment center volunteer meeting will be either the 1st or 2nd Saturday in March at Alano club. More info to come next month in that.
  • Bridge the Gap Report – Brian S.
    1. Since the BTG phone #, which is a smartline phone # and when people call, it goes directly to Brian’s phone. It is the same as the TAC phone #. Sometimes receives phone calls about taking meetings into the jails and prisons and requested contact information so he can direct accordingly.
    2. Things are going pretty steady right now and has received a couple of new volunteers.
  1. Intergroup Report – Kimmie
    1. Intergroup Treasury balance – $506.99
    2. Please continue to announce at group and business meetings about Intergroup’s desire to expand group representation at the monthly business meetings.
    3. A New Co-Chair/Entertainment chair was voted in: Shrepta M (from District 4). She is excited to plan some fellowship activities.
    4. Central Office computer upgrades have been completed.
    5. There is a brief TVICO survey available – https://tvico.net/surveys.

It has 6 brief questions about store hours, Central Office services, where you get your literature, if your group and business meetings are on Zoom or in person and whether or not you use the website and find it useful.

  1. Accessibilities Report – open position
    1. Please announce at meetings in hopes of filling this position
  2. Picnic Report –
    1. Do not currently have a person/group to plan this. We do need to get started so we can reserve a location and get a “Save the Date” flyer printed.
    2. Discussed dates, possibly the 3rd or the 17th of June at Veterans Park.
    3. Motion – have Jared reserve the pavilion at Veterans Park for 9 am – 2:0) pm for June 3rd and a cost of $140 for the annual TAC BBQ (Brian M)
    4. Second – Christine
    5. Motion passed
  3. Webmaster Report – Mark S
    1. Since we’ve okay’d a new website, the former website goes down March 15th, will get the new one up before the cut off.
    2. Kimmie will send Alison, an updated contact list, who will then create a flyer with the various points of contact and their information.
  4. CPC/PI Report – Colette
    1. Did vote last year to share the website with TAC
    2. Literature chair is also needed for
  • Grapevine Rep – Jamie S
    1. Still working on coordinating among the facilities as to whether the facility wants electronic or hard copy versions.
    2. Please make sure you reach out to Jamie with any needs.
  1. Workshops
    1. Save the date for next year’s Gem State Roundup: Sep 1-3 – Grove Hotel.
    2. Spring Assembly
  2. Old Business
  3. Website – discussed under Website report
  4. Subscriptions for jails and treatment centers.
  5. Open positions – Corrections, Accessibilities and Picnic
  6. Adhoc Bylaws committee
    1. See Reports included below
    2. Finished DRAFT revision to the guidelines, which Kimmie will send out. Please, please review with homegroups and provide any corrections or questions. Would like to have all comments back by March 15th.
  • Original guidelines also, which Kimmie will send out.
  • New Business
    1. Picnic – discussed under Picnic report
    2. Randy (Ada County Mens), Introduction, Happenings, Volunteers
      1. Is more than willing to provide feedback regarding an jails/prisons information repository but does not want to spearhead that.
      2. Has 5 volunteers currently.

Motion to adjourn – Christine

Second – Coop

Meeting adjourned at 11:33

NEXT MEETING Feb 18, 2022 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

Zoom Password 605450

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