May 2023 Business Meeting Minutes

TAC Business Meeting

May 20, 2023

Attendees: Kimmie, Jared, Alison, Travis, Brian S, David W, Michelle, Karen F, DJ, Collette, Robert M, Kathy J, Coop, Brian M, Rusty J, Carissa

Opened the meeting with a moment of meditative silence followed by the Serenity prayer.

Traditions read by – Caresa

Introductions –

Minutes from the last meeting (not read) – Kimmie

Motion to accept minutes – Coop

Motion Seconded – Michelle

Motion passed

TAC Chair Report – Jared

  1. Spring Assembly
    1. Thank you Michelle, Kimmie, Andrew, Coop and Christine.
    2. Productive event. Raised awareness of web site, monthly meeting, and needs
    3. May want to add PO Box and Zoom info to website
    4. Asked to share more info with other districts at the fall assembly
  2. Did not get the cost for the Meridian Bowling Alley; will do that for next month

Treasurer’s Report – Christine

  1. March, April, and May will need to be approved so we can get them on the website. The correction was I forgot to add the check to Alison in March on my report (I didn’t reconcile it to the statement before I sent it out) so my amended March report and April will have to be approved first.
  2. See May report below

Motion to accept – Michelle

Seconded – Collette

Motion passed

Literature Report – Alison

  1. The storage locker is empty and we need to get the next quarter order together.

Corrections/Jails Report – Robert R (interim chair)/Michelle (Women’s Corrections Chair)

  1. Full report will be sent out with minutes
  2. Robert Nominated Michelle as chair. Collette made a motion to nominate Michelle as Corrections chair; Travis seconded (Did this pass??)

Hospital/Treatment Report – Travis

  1. Creekside – on hold (Sunday’s is when meetings typically go in)
  2. Moonlight Mountain Ranch is going well
  3. Lifeways has a solid rotation schedule set up
    1. Lifeways – Brian S gave feedback that the contact person (Jon) isn’t there at 7 pm
  4. Discussion of non active members on panels and going into treatment facilities – general consensus is that guidelines should be followed.
  5. Allumbaugh & Intermountain – good relations and feedback about the meetings coming in.
  6. Volunteer committee meeting in July -10 am – location TBD
  7. Coop asked about Eagle Creek (Star?) – is it non-profit or for profit?

Bridge the Gap Report – Brian S.

  1. In need of volunteers for the Nampa/Caldwell area, mainly men
  2. Discussion from a letter received from an inmate. Collette pointed out that on, has corrections and correspondence information.

Intergroup Report – Kimmie

  1. May Intergroup Business Mtg canceled therefore, no report

Accessibilities Report – open position

  1. Discussion surrounding what this position involves

Picnic Report -Michelle

  1. Discussion about the need for additional help with setup and cleanup. Also reminded folks to remember to announce “potluck” items to accompany the burgers and hotdogs that TAC will be providing.
  2. Full report will be sent out with the minutes
  3. Discussion about Venmo account setup – decision regarding using this option needs to be voted in by the committee. Discussion ensued.
    1. Colette suggested an Adhoc committee for finance concerns
    2. Motion against using Venmo – Karen; David – seconded; motion passed

Webmaster Report – David (short term help)

  1. Will put PO Box address on front page – PO Box 143, Meridian, ID 83680
  2. Google uses key words. TAC doesn’t make enough money to appear in the first page of search results on Google. Google also does not search intel info
  3. They are linking to Area, mentioned using QR Code on literature – table this until the next meeting

CPC/PI Report – Collette

  1. Websearch optimations isn’t working.
  2. Book Nooks – folks are fired up and ready to put literature into the various locations. Linda Newcomer (Area 18 CPC/PI West Chair) has a sign up spreadsheet in the works.
  3. CPC/PI Workshop upcoming on July 8th or the 15th, put on by District 3. David (which David?) is making packets for Drug Court and has a counselor to do the workshop

Grapevine Rep – Jamie S

  1. No report – still on vacation


  1. Gem State RoundUp – this has been cancelled or at least postponed
  2. Fall Assembly

Old Business

  1. Adhoc Bylaws – full report will be sent with the minutes
    1. Michelle Motion to adhere to suggestions from the Adhoc committee; Coop Seconded; motion carries
  2. Grapevine subscriptions – tabled to next month
  3. Moving the meeting location – tabled to next month
  4. Venmo –
  5. Open positions – elections will be in January 2024, for the next 2 year rotation.
    1. Accessibilities & men’s corrections chair – current need
      1. Motion to accept Michelle as corrections co-chair – passed

New Business

  1. None?

Motion to adjourn – ??

Second –??

Meeting adjourned at 11:48

NEXT MEETING June 17, 2023 at 10 a.m. It will be a hybrid meeting with in person attendance at the Alano Club (3820 Cassia Street, Boise) and Zoom attendance options.

Zoom Meeting ID 836 4495 5858

Zoom Password 605450 (not required)

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